EKKA 2018 – Brisbane Royal
March 12, 2019

Interbreed Champion of Champions Bull – PC Newsman N003
The interbreed bull title at the 2018 Royal Queensland Show (EKKA), has been awarded to PC Newsman N003, an 858kg Angus bull exhibited by Pine Creek Angus Pty Ltd.
The young sire had previously triumphed in the Angus ring where he was awarded the Junior and Grand Champion bull titles.
Long-time exhibitors, Greg and Sharon Fuller and daughter, Christie Kennedy, won the interbreed bull title with Pine Creek Newsman for the Angus breed.
Weighing in at 858kg, with an EMA of 127 square centimetres, he was described by judge Bondfield as the proudest bull in the lineup, with a great combination of carcase qualities, softness and a good set of testicles.
Newsman had earlier won the junior bull and grand champion Angus bull awards.
He will go on to Adelaide and Melbourne shows and is earmarked for the 100-year Angus feature show at Sydney Royal next year.